1. Codimension. If a system of equations has nonempty solution set, then the rank of the augmented matrix of the system is the ***codimension*** of the solution set, not dimension. dimension + codimension = # variables. For example, today, two of our three systems had nonempty solution sets, each with five variables. One system's augmented matrix had rank 2 and its solution set had dimension 5 - 2 = 3. The other system's augmented matrix had rank 3 and its solution set had dimension 5 - 3 = 2. If a system of equations had 100 variables and an augmented matrix of rank 87, then the dimension of the solution set would be 13 if nonempty. (A zero-dimensional solution set is a single point; the empty set has undefined dimension.) 2. Links. 2a. Today's in-class matrix computations: http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/urls/dl.dropbox.com/s/emp83e26kpepg7c/03-rref.ipynb 2b. Computer-assisted explicit sequence of (corrected) row operations for Gauss-Jordan elimination of the big matrix from Day 2: http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/urls/dl.dropbox.com/s/j0pmptjt3jkelzc/02-rref.ipynb 2c. Optional: try copying some of my commands from above links to: http://live.sympy.org Then try making up your own commands.