Homework assigned on days 1 and 2 is due on day 5 (Feb. 24). Don't wait until the last hour to start. The safe assumption to make is that the homework will utterly stump you and that you will need time to consult with me before the due date. Homework assigned on days 3, 4, 5 is due on day 8 (Mar. 5). Homework assigned on days 6, 7, 8 is due on day 9 (Mar. 17). Note that spring break is between days 8 and 9. The midterm exam on Mar. 24 will covers days 1 through 8. Homework assigned on days 9, 10 is due on day 12 (Mar. 31). Starting in April, instead of paper homework, I'd to see each registered student do something possibly more challenging: give a presentation. The "homework" will be preparing for the presentation. Look at the schedule of topics, look at the corresponding sections in the book, and then let me know what day you'd like to present on. (First come, first serve if two requests conflict.) The idea is for you to explain the scheduled section of the book as best you can to your audience in the space of 90 minutes. You won't need to prove anything that isn't already proven in the book, but you will need to be able to understand the book's arguments well enough to be able clearly explain them.